Payments & Refunds

Q: Where can I find your refund policy?
A: To access our refund policy, please navigate to our Return Policy page where our policies are outlined. You can typically find this information in the footer of our website under the "Return Policy" or "Customer Support" section.
If you have trouble locating the refund policy or if you have any questions about an existing or pending refund, please contact us at support@onitathlete.com

Q: How long will it take for my refund to go back into my account?
Refund processing times can vary based on the payment method used and your financial institution's policies. Generally, refunds are processed within 5-7 business days after we receive and approve your returned item.

If you made the payment using a credit card, please note that it may take an additional few days for the refund to reflect on your statement, depending on your card issuer's processing times.

Placing Orders

Q: How do I place an order?
While you can purchase our products from various sites online and in local shops, the best up-to-date deals and offers are available on the OnIt Athlete website.

Q: How much will it cost to ship my product (rates subject to change)?
A: Shipping is structured as follows:
- Single pack orders: $5.75
-Platinum Box orders: $7.99
- College Cling orders: $11.99

Q: How do I find the status of my order?
To provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information, contact our support team at support@onitathlete.com.

Q: I ordered the wrong team, what should I do?
If you have ordered the wrong item, here are the steps to take:

1. Contact Us Promptly: Reach out to our customer service team at support@onitathlete.com as soon as possible to inform us of the issue.
2. Provide Order Details: Include your order number and details of the incorrect item you received.
3. Explain the Issue: Briefly explain the situation, specifying the correct item you intended to order.

Our team will do their best to assist you with the next steps, whether it involves canceling the order, arranging for a return, or facilitating an exchange. Please note that the resolution process may vary based on the stage of your order (e.g., processing, shipped).

Q: I think my shipping address is wrong, what should I do?
If you believe the shipping address is incorrect, please send an email to our support team with the following information:

- Order Number: Provide the order number, which you can find in the confirmation email you received after placing the order.
- Updated Information: Provide the correct shipping address.

Our support team will process your request as soon as possible. Please note that if the order has already been processed or shipped, changes may not be feasible.


Q: Where can I find the team checklist?
Team checklists can be found on the order page for each team product.

Q: How do I leave a review?
You can leave us a review on our Facebook page, or If you made your purchase through a third-party platform like Amazon or Walmart, you can also leave a review directly on their website. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

Q: How often do you add new teams? Is there a schedule?
Unfortunately we do not provide specific release dates or provide information for future products or updates. We are continuously working on enhancing our products and services, and encourage you to stay connected with us through our social media channels, blog and website updates to receive the latest news.

Q: Who do I contact for partnering with Onit Athlete for retail or wholesale opportunities?
Thank you for your interest in partnering with Onit Athlete, to discuss pricing and product availability please feel free to reach out to our Sales Director, Eli Hodson - eli@onitathlete.com